Guardian Garbage
Remember last year when the Guardian leader stated the Sun was 4.5 light years from earth? It took them about three days to issue a correction. It seems the quality of their science pieces is still just as bad as the rest of their Lefty twaddle. In today's Guardian in the space of one article Andrew Smith makes two fundamental errors. First up Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard respectively the first man and the first American in Space. Smith writes:
P.S. to be correct the first stage burnt a form of kerosene.
an up-and-down, sub-orbital lob such as Yuri Gagarin and Alan Shepard first rode back in 1961.Balls. Alan Shepard did make a rather impotent sub-orbital lob but Gagarin made a full orbit of the earth before landing. Secondly after throwing in some obligatory guff about global warming, Smith makes his second clanger:
Other rockets run on hydrogen and oxygen, or (as in the case of the Saturn V moon rockets) liquid nitrogenLiquid nitrogen? Does anyone remember Squire's phrase "some product of a university humanities department" well never has there been a more appropriate one. Why can the Guardian not employ journalists who can a least check basic historical facts(try their own website) and if they are going to write about rocket fuels know some basic chemistry. From the wiki on Saturn V rockets:
Fuel Liquid hydrogen andDuh!
liquid oxygen
P.S. to be correct the first stage burnt a form of kerosene.
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