Saturday, February 04, 2006

Straw As Quisling

From the Times:
Jack Straw, the Foreign Secretary, condemned the decision by some media outlets in Europe to republish the cartoons, calling it “insensitive, disrespectful and wrong”.

He said that freedom of speech did not mean an “open season” on religious taboos, and he praised the British media for what he called their “considerable responsibility and sensitivity” for not publishing them.
Discraceful words from a minister of the Crown. At least his French opposite number is showing some backbone, from the Lebanese Daily Star:
French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy condemned the protests in a television interview.

"I am totally shocked and find it unacceptable that - because there have been caricatures in the West - extremists can burn flags or take fundamentalist or extremist positions which would prove the cartoonists right," he said.
Perhaps Mr Straw should take a look at some truly repulsive cartoons.


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